
Welcome to my blog. Here, I post my love for cooking, gardening, interior decorating, and tending to our farm. Hope you have a nice stay!

Chicken Hearts & Feet Soup (babyfood)

Chicken Hearts & Feet Soup (babyfood)

Our elders know best! My Abuela is visiting from Ecuador and I told her I wanted her to make my son a nutrient filled soup with all the vitamins, minerals and cold fighting antibodies. First I had wanted her to make a bone broth type soup but she insisted on making a more concentrated broth for him and told me to wait and see. Here I am going to share her recipe that we now give my son every day.


Large Pot with 4qt of Water

Lemon Juice

2 Garlic Cloves

1 Yellow Onion

1 Bunch of Carrots

1 Celery Stalk + Leaves

1 Leek

1/2 - 1 Bunch of Cilantro


  1. Wash feet and hearts in a bowl with lemon juice and rinse with water. Mince garlic, finely chop onion, leek and cilantro. Slice carrots and celery.

  2. Fill the pot with 4qt of water and add feet and hearts. Bring to a boil and add garlic, onion, carrots and celery (you will add the leek and cilantro towards the end). Continue to boil, covered for 2 hours. In the last 15min, add leeks and cilantro. Season with salt and pepper if you wish.

  3. Pour contents through a strainer over a large bowl that accommodates the liquid. Reserve 1 cup, set aside. Cover with plastic and refrigerate over night so the grease hardens and can be skimmed off. The following day the liquid will be gelatinous, spoon liquid into 1oz ice cube trays and freeze overnight. Once frozen, pop them out and store in a zip lock bag.

  4. Meanwhile, gently pick out the chicken feet so there are no bones left behind, discard or use these however you wish. Put the remaining contents of chicken hearts and vegetables in a bowl and use a hand blender to puree. Add reserved liquid to reach desired consistency. Scoop into 1oz ice cube trays and freeze overnight. Once frozen, pop them out and store in a zip lock bag.

Vegetarian Fall Chili

Vegetarian Fall Chili

Bone Marrow Stock

Bone Marrow Stock